Federation of American Scientists Case Studies in Dual Use Biological Research Module 4.0: Mousepox Case Study
Topic: Discussion Subtopic: Discussion Questions

Since genetic engineering has the potential to ultimately negate the effectiveness of disease-specific antibiotics and vaccines, should current biodefense research respond to this vulnerability?
The mousepox experiments clearly fall within the seven sensitive lines of research as identified in the Fink Report? Does that mean that work outside of these areas does not have dual use implications? What other types of experiments have dual use implications?
Should further experimentation now be carried out to confirm whether these results could be applied to smallpox or other select agents? Did the experiments open Pandoras box? How far should new experiments be taken?
How can the scientific community best address natural pathogenic bacteria and viral strains that emerge? Is there a point in infectious disease research where potential negative consequences outweigh any beneficial outcomes?
Are there any circumstances where the government should step in and classify academic or private sector research for reasons of national security?

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