Federation of American Scientists Case Studies in Dual Use Biological Research Module 8.0: Public Reaction Case Study
Topic: Discussion Subtopic: References and Further Reading

In order to address the problems that scientists often have with communicating to the public, Chris Mooney and Matthew Nisbet have been publicizing the concept of "framing" scientific issues as a possible solution. According to Nisbet and Dietram Scheufele, "framing" means "remaining true to the underlying science, but drawing on research to tailor messages in ways that make them presonally relavent and meaningful to different publics." While the concept of framing science issues may help with their presentation to the public, some scientists have dismissed it as marketing or "spinning" the facts.
One of the strategies to minimize the misues of reserach information that the NSABB framework identifies is how to responsibly communicate with the public about research which has dual use potential. Pages 23-28 of the document are dedicated to describing a "set of principles for the responsible communication of research with dual use potential, points to consider for identifying and assessing the risks and benefits of communicating research information with dual use potential, including options for the communication of such research information, and considerations for the development of a communication plan for research with dual use potential."

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